It is now possible, with the advancements in technology, to have a full selection of mobile slots, or pokies, in the palm of your hand. Be your preference Android or Apple, there is an enormous selection available, designed to be compatible with modern touch screens and with all the entertainment value of their real world counterparts. Plus, unique bonuses and special features are available, which may vary depending on the online casino chosen, meaning that this classic game of chance has never been more versatile.
Accessing Pokies via Phone
Like computer software, you may download a small application to your device, which allows a large selection of mobile slots, or pokies, to be accessed quickly and easily. A number of variations are offered, with most being differently themed, and each allowing for a completely unique experience. To get these applications, simply check the applicable application store or your device and download as desired. It is also possible to access the websites that offer these games via your phone’s website browser, and stream the games directly. Take note that many of these website versions run via the Flash program, which may not be accessible to some mobile phone versions or operating systems. If you are in doubt, ask the customer support centre of that particular website based online casino.
Themed Mobile Pokies
Mobile slots have a wide range of themes that make the game interesting, including movies, popular series, cartoon characters, or any number of variations, all of which keep the games fresh and exciting. Keep a look out, as there’s a chance your favourite popular character has been applied to a pokies game. These themes generally don’t affect the actual rules of game, but are always fun. Be sure to also take advantage of the bonuses and special features of the chosen game, as these also vary, and offer advantages that may completely change the game.
Entering Your Banking Information
Many mobile slots, or pokies, can be played free of charge, and are available just for fun. Others use real money, and require the player enter their banking information. How this is done differs between applications and games, but is always a quick, easy to understand process. Modern mobile slots also offer outstanding security, so your information is safe, as long as you keep your login details to yourself. Keep in mind that some mobile casino applications may link to an already created account, for greater convenience.
Mobile Pokies Payouts
How much each spin costs the player, and how much each win pays out, is completely dependent on the game. There are some versions that allow hours of play for just a few dollars, while others focus on higher stakes, with each single spin costing a dollar. Payouts are always larger with the costs being higher. Other mobile pokies games use a online currency, which are generally not a direct one to one exchange. Meaning that one real dollar does not equal one online dollar. Be sure to check and double check the stakes of any mobile slot game you play, as once transactions are made, they can be very difficult to reverse.